Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Cello Varnish Matching & Restoration This cello had an unusual patch of varnish where someone had attempted a previous touch-up. The existing repair was opaque and obscured the natural grain of the ...
...  With the cleat in place, the top gained enough stability for the crack to hold securely. I then sealed it with a layer of clear varnish for added protection. Additionally, I repaired another crack on ...
... back onto the plywood rib. Fill a little bit of the missing chards and use small dowles to fill the 4 holes. Touchup the varnish a little.      ...
Here is a violin top where the wood was worn away, most likeley by the case's bow holder.   I wan't too happy with this one so I reworked the varnish. I'll look ...
5. Cello Top Seam
( General » Repairs )
... a cello. The odd thing about this cello was that the varnish wasn't really adheared to the wood very good. There were lots of spots that had the varnish chipped off. Also when I would put a clamp on, the ...
... of the scroll where you could tell the varnish had cracked. Although I could barly get the scroll to cheaks to move I didn't force them apart and just worked as much glue as possible into the fractures. ...
7. Cello Varnish and Edges
( General » Information )
Here is a cello that had a missing edge and several large gouges in the top, plus there were a lot of scratches and chips in the varnish. Attached are some before and after photos.  ...
8. Center Seams
( General » Repairs )
... would help iline up, no luck. So I removed the back. The center seam had glue and varnish between the halves. I carefully started cleaning up the seams. One photo shows the before and after of the ...
9. Violin Revarnish
( General » Information )
This is a violin that had the top stripped and the back, ribs and scroll seemed to have been revarnished using Tung Oil. I finished stripping off the odd varnish and then cleaned up the blotchy look. Here ...
... without flash which I think explains the different varnish look.   Same idea but with a bass.     ...
Violin family instruments sometimes get their edges damaged. A new piece of wood can be added and then reshaped and the varnish can be matched. Here is an edge with several steps.  ...
A nice old violin that had very ruff varnish texture on the top.     This violin had some blackish overvarnish.     Another Violin with ...
... were drilled and the pegs were fitted. Then there was a slight amount of varnish touch up to make the boxwood a matching color to the original varnish.   Here is a violin ...
...        I spent a lot of time cleaning out the cracks and then sealing them. When I did the final french polishing the varnish ...
...  Clamp and Dry: Clamp the scroll tightly to maintain alignment while the glue dries, ensuring the pins bond securely within the wood. Varnish Touch-Up: Apply a light varnish touch-up to match the existing ...
... Then once the fingerobard fits the new wedge, it's glued on. The next day the wedge needs to be worked into the curve of the neck. The neck needs to be treated and a little varnish touch up is done under ...
... corner is shaped so that it matches the wear of the original corners. Varnish is then applied so that it also matches the original varnish.   Another Violin Corner replacement. ...
18. Violin Revarnish
( General » Information )
Recently a customer brought in a violin that had been partially stripped of it's varnish. He wanted a golden yellow light brown varnish. Here are the before and after shots.  ...
Redoing a Failed Cello Neck Repair This cello had a previous failed repair where the neck projection dropped and the break had slightly reopened. I suspected there was some kind of weak support barely ...
20. Cell with hole in back
( General » Information )
... glued into the hole. Staggered cleats were added to support the broken pieces. I fixed a couple of previous rib cracks and then put the top back on and did the varnish touch up. Here are some shots of ...
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