Thumb grips tend to wear down. Once you have worn down the leather you should have the grip replaced. I have seen lots of nice bows that have a large indent in the stick which could have easily been prevented by changing the thumb grip before it's too late. Thumb Grips -- Leather: Teju Pattern- Violin Thumb Grips: $6 *
- Viola Thumb Grips: $6 *
- Cello Thumb Grips: $8 *
- Bass Thumb Grips: $8 *
Thumb Grips -- Teju Lizard- Violin Thumb Grips: $12 *
- Viola Thumb Grips: $12 *
- Cello Thumb Grips: $14 *
- Bass Thumb Grips: $15 *
Protective Wrap Near FrogThis wrap protects the stamp and helpes to keep the stick from getting any additional wear. - Violin: $20 *
- Viola: $20 *
- Cello: $22 *
- Bass: $25 *
Bow Wrapping with gripThe sterling silver is hand wrapped and then soldered all the way around at both ends. The solder is finished to the same thickness as the silver wire and then the thumb grip is fitted. The thickness is 0.011" - Violin Sterling Silver; $45 *
- Viola Sterling Sliver: $45 *
- Cello Sterling Sliver: $55 *
- Bass Sterling Silver: $65 *
Imation Gold brass wire wrapping is the same price as silver wire. The thickness is 0.010". Imitation Whale Bone with gripThe imitation whale bone wrap has good color and a slight arch. Once some irregularities are added it looks very similar to real whale bone. - Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass: $25 *
I started hand making Whale Bone wrap, here are some examples: Shrink Wrap- Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass: $10
* The price of the wrapping or grip is while the bow is being rehaired, it may be a little extra if you do not get your bow rehaired at the same time. |
The imitation whale bone wrapping is lighter and a little thicker than silver or plated wire wrapping. If you like the current balance and feel of the bow, it might be better to use the silver wrapping. If you want it a little lighter you could use the immitation whale bone wrap.
$ 22.00 Violin Bow Rehair
$ 25.00 Imitation Whale Bone Wrapping
-- -- -- --
$ 82.00 Total plus shipping
Regards Tom