Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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1925 Callier Violin

Here are some photos of a 1925 FJ Callier violin.


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Comments (1)
Another F.J. Callier violin.
# 1
Friday, 04/08/2016
John Wood
I have one made by him in 1925. What a perfectly-varnished beauty! Wherever I take it it gets great comments and it is a real keeper for me. The G and D strings can growl and the A and E are as sweet as birdsong...

Perhaps it was made from the wood of old St.Mary's Church as is the one he made in 1923 mentioned in a San Antonio newspaper.

Thank God for the great crafstmen and women of the world.

Best Wishes
John Wood.
FJ Callier Violin
Friday, 04/15/2016
Craig Scollard

Thanks for the nice complements. Frank's violins are really
quite beautiful.

I don't think I have a copy of that article, I would be
interested to read it, where did you find a copy?

Friday, 04/15/2016
John Wood
Hello Craig,

Here are a few photos of my Callier violin with that wee paragraph from a San Antonio newspaper regarding a 1923 fiddle of Frank's.

I just love the colour of his amazing varnish.

A year ago I took this instrument to a luthier here as I needed the pegs adjusted. This fellow handles many a top class violin for the London orchestra squad (I am just a humble fiddler don't you know) but when he was finished and handing it back to me, he actually smiled and said, "very nice violin." Magic!

Best of luck in all your own musical endeavors. It's fantastic that you are carrying on such a great tradition of the original shop.

Kind regards,
John Wood.
Friday, 04/15/2016
John Wood
Hello Craig,

Well done! The photos look great-- and the newspaper article came out very readable. Many thanks for that.

Frank lives on in his instruments and in the happiness they give.

Best Wishes!
John Wood.

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