Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Cello Bass Bar

This cello was caving in on the "C" side of the top. I suspected that the bass bar was possibly cracked or unglued. With a light on the inside and a small mirror, I could tell by looking through the end pin hole and  the "f" hole that about a quarter of the bass bar near the endpin had come unglued.

The top needed to be removed to reglue the bassbar. With the top off, I was suprised that about 1/2 of the bass bar was unglued, that's about 13 inches. I slid a piece of paper under the bar just so it would be apparent in the photo just how much was unglued.

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