50 E. Green St. Suite 142Pasadena, CA 91105(626) 795-2870
Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00. Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00
Intercom Access Code, Press:142 and then the CALL button:
Here are some AI created line drawings, using mostly Bing and Dall-E.
7fb60daa b69a 456e 8dfb fea4811d485a
cbf5f120 3352 4354 8a6d dd7ceab4e009
d6f9edc8 c08e 48d7 8ac1 38c10d29ee6f
2b355a37 ffaf 4038 ae94 f58b97714ff1
8acb181c d838 414b 9bd3 156a02fa07bd
61f37388 bd82 4376 a27e a851c35c2605
87e735b6 39c1 42b0 9f12 79727f8ba3d8
97acf134 b8b0 478f ad74 79cc1a96bb63
c3aa311c 5c30 4965 acab 3b59df26a1df
cd050ec1 3de4 4910 8f56 f640d59e0883
04ee8fa7 dca6 4335 abb9 e3a658e823eb
2ed34a33 15d8 45f8 b619 ed04bb6edd9e
ce700e8f a568 4a75 90af bcbf392003ba
de3a5022 3b86 4b2d b083 013281e68f14
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Animation Rotation Loop