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Another cello with an open lower back seam. Here are a coupld of photos.
IMG 20230814 095056 896
IMG 20230814 111830 341
Here is a factory cello where the back seam is unglued at least half way and as a challenge I want to glue it from the outside. Here are the steps.
IMG 20230410 173716 496
IMG 20230410 180716 861
IMG 20230410 180814 369
IMG 20230410 181749 758
IMG 20230411 101442 319
IMG 20230412 101518 886
IMG 20230412 131635 741
IMG 20230413 115120 451
IMG 20230413 115759 153
IMG 20230413 115825 644
IMG 20230413 115953 537
IMG 20230413 120031 777
IMG 20230413 120105 439
IMG 20230413 120159 176
IMG 20230415 125428 033