I have an old violin purchased in Austria. I believe the date of manufacture was 1877. Tragically the instrument was manhandled by a youngster. The bridge is lost and the bow needs restringing. The handle must be glued to the body. Would you provide the repair service? This instrument is intended as a keepsake. We are not violinists.
violin repair
# 1
Monday, 07/03/2017
Carl Stella
I have an old violin purchased in Austria. I believe the date of manufacture was 1877. Tragically the instrument was manhandled by a youngster. The bridge is lost and the bow needs restringing. The handle must be glued to the body. Would you provide the repair service? This instrument is intended as a keepsake. We are not violinists.
Would you provide the repair service?
This instrument is intended as a keepsake. We are not violinists.
Would you provide the repair service?
This instrument is intended as a keepsake. We are not violinists.