Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass Bridge Fitting Services - Hand Fitted Aubert Bridges

Violin Bridge Fitting

Standard: $40 plus the cost of the Aubert #7 bridge. *

Deluxe: $100 plus the cost of the Deluxe Aubert bridge.

Student: $35 plus the cost of the Aubert #5 bridge *


Here is a violin bridge that I fit in April 1987, it's still being used everyday.

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The evelotion of how my bridge fitting style changed. This is from the same instrument. The brdge on the left is from March 2023 and the one on the right is from 1985.

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Here is a comparision of a very old Aubert bridge and a current Aubert #7 bridge.

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Bridge Fitting Tools

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L.R. Baggs Violin Bridges

Fitting: About $45 plus the cost of the bridge. These electric bridges really sound quite good.
L.R. Baggs Website


Viola Bridge Fitting

Standard $40 plus the cost of the Aubert bridge. *

Deluxe: $100 plus the cost of the Deluxe Aubert bridge.

Student: $35 plus the cost of the Aubert #5 bridge. *


Cello Bridge Fitting

Standard: $70 plus the cost of the Aubert #16 Bridge. *

Deluxe: $135 plus the cost of a Deluxe Aubert bridge.

Student:: $65 plus the cost of the Aubert #14 Bridge. *


Bass Bridge Fitting

Standard: $195 plus the cost of the Aubert bridge. *

Deluxe: $275 plus the cost of the Aubert bridge.


Bridges are hand fitted using a knife and file.

  1. The first step is thinning the base of the bridge to the correct thickness.
  2. The feet are then fit using a sharp knife.
  3. Once the feet are finished the curve of the bridge is drawn on the face of the bridge and then it's cut down using a knife.
  4. The face or chest of the bridge is then created. By modifying the shape of the bridge's chest you can change the color of the instruments sound.
  5. Next is thinning the top of the feet, not too thick or too thin.
  6. The arch between the feet and the wings and heart can also be adjusted for a brighter or darker sound.
  7. For longevity, string notches are created using a couple of light file swipes, then the final notch is burnished in using the smooth edge of a file.
  8. Cello and Basses are tuned to pitch and the final height adjustment is made the following day.

Violin Repair: With proper care bridges can last decades. Every time you tune the bridge should be straightened so that the back of the bridge is perpendicular to the top. If the corners are straight they can be used as a reference, just have the imaginary line of the extended corner be parallel to the back of the bridge.

Note: Change strings one at a time. Remember to dope the pegs, take a pencil and rub it over the string groves on the nut and the bridge. When putting on new strings or tuning you need to always check the position of the bridge. The back of the bridge needs to be perpendicular to the top of the instrument. Keeping your bridge straight will make it last for years and years.

Also when tuning using the pegs, if the bridge is never straightened, it will tend to warp because there is uneven tension between the string in front of the bridge and the tension behind the bridge. Straightening the bridge allows the string tension to equalize and the force is straight down. Even when tuning you need to check the position of the bridge because if you are not paying attention the bridge could start leaning forward and will eventually fall forward. Bridges that snap forward can easily break or even worse yet they could crack the top of the instrument.


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Bridge by DALL E


The first image is a circle of blank Aubert #7 violin bridges on a table made by Frank J. Callier. The second image is a bridge created by DALL-E the AI generator. It's a bridge from the perspective of an ant.

* The cost of the bridge blank is discounted by 40% off the current list price.

Comments (2)
Bow repair and possible LR Bags bridge
# 2
Wednesday, 09/08/2021
Robin Powell
I have a glasser carbon fiber bow that the wedge fell out of. Also, I have a 5 string electric violin built by Richard Barberra in New York long time ago. It has a stereo bridge on it and is real heavy. The instrument does not sound good acoustically. I noticed you had LR Baggs Bridges and I wanted to discuss either turning the instrument into an acoustic and just using a mic or going with the Baggs. So I would like to explore that along with a bow rehair which I definitely want done.
Setting/providing a bridge for a viola. Replacing a broken D string or all the strings.
# 1
Friday, 07/30/2021
Joseph Woollett
I have not played a viola since 1945 when I began lessons with a woman in Montrose. She sent me to your shop to get a matched set of strings. The viola I was playing was borrowed from the school I attendd in Glendale.

Now, at age 85 I want to pick it up again. John Reinertson suggested I go to your shop where he takes his viola. He was not surprised of the coincidence of my having been to your shop so many years ago. John is the husband of my daughter-in-laws best friend. John said that your only made string instruments and serviced them, but that perhaps your would be willing to take my viola. I live in West Anaheim.

Thanks, Joe Woollett
Bridge Fitting
Friday, 07/30/2021
Craig Scollard

If it was 1945, my guess is that you went to the shop on Sunset. Old Hollywood Shop

I would be happy to take a look at your viola. Most likely it only needs a bridge, a set of strings and possibly a seam or two might need to be glued. Also, after that period of time the bow needs to be rehaired.


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