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Here is a violin top where the wood was worn away, most likeley by the case's bow holder.
IMG 20220805 154331 819
IMG 20220805 155826 147
IMG 20220808 102938 493
IMG 20220808 181702 209
IMG 20220808 181741 081
IMG 20220808 181831 535
I wan't too happy with this one so I reworked the varnish. I'll look around for some of the photos after I rubbed out the touchup varnish. Anyway I'm working on the redo of the touchup and it's coming out pretty nice.
IMG 20220811 164212 530
IMG 20230906 103738 014
Another damaged violin where the case bow holder wore a large hole in the top.
IMG 20220616 154826 947
IMG 20220616 154856 562
IMG 20220616 162040 683
IMG 20220617 141929 154
IMG 20220619 153039 827
IMG 20220626 163824 411
IMG 20220626 163842 289
IMG 20220627 152632 230
IMG 20220627 161319 348
The varnish wasn't quite right so I reworked it. It came out much better, here are the final finished photos.
IMG 20230817 121805 195
IMG 20230817 121841 218
IMG 20230818 121640 319
IMG 20230818 121646 001