Cello Varnish Matching & RestorationThis cello had an unusual patch of varnish where someone had attempted a previous touch-up. The existing repair was opaque and obscured the natural grain of the wood. My goal was to match the original varnish and restore the cello's authentic appearance. Removing the Old VarnishI carefully stripped away the previous varnish layer, revealing the base wood. However, the original touch-up had soaked deep into the wood, making it difficult for new varnish to adhere. It felt almost like trying to apply varnish over plastic. My first attempt at recoloring went too dark, and the next came out too red. I removed the varnish multiple times, adjusting the color each time, but the red tones kept returning. Starting OverAfter multiple refinishing attempts, I decided to take a different approach. This time, I used a Q-tip to gently scrub away the deep-seated remnants of the old touch-up until I reached bare wood. From there, I carefully rebuilt the varnish layers—applying, drying, rubbing out, and repeating the process. A Long and Unexpected JourneyIt took time, but eventually, I was satisfied with the results. The cello remained in my shop for an extended period—long enough for an unexpected turn of events. The owner’s home was tragically destroyed in the Altadena fires. During the emergency evacuation, they assumed they would return the next day and left behind many valuable items, including several bows. Ironically, since the cello was still in my shop for restoration, it was one of the few things that survived the fire. This project was a test of patience and precision, but in the end, the instrument was not only restored but also saved from disaster. |