Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Unusual Seam Gluing

Here is a very unusual way to glue a seam back together. I guess someone was frustrated with these two top seams coming unglued so they glued and pinned them. When the customer brought in the violin the upper right seam was open and buzzing, but was still pinned. I didn't want to remove the pins so I carefully worked glue into the seam between and around the pins and then clamped it. First time I have see that type of repair.

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