Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Blue Dumpster Cello

Here is a blue inexpensive blue cello with the worst crack. If it was a decent instrument you would use the following steps:

  • take the top or back off
  • make a mold
  • Glue the crack together
  • carve out the area for the patch
  • Chalk fit the patch
  • Glue the patch in
  • Make the patch the same thickness as the back
  • Cleat the rest of the crack
  • Thin the cleats
  • Glue the top or back onto the ribs
  • Seal the outside of the crack

For this cello I would not do all that work, but I did want to entertain myself and see if I could fix it without all those steps.It was buldging out quite a bit, so I needed to get it back to a normal curvature. I needed to clamp it to somthing, These are the steps:

  • Make a clamping jig that is suspended just over the top and is clamped onto the ribs.
  • Then make a clear plastic mold.
  • Glue and clamp the crack.
  • After a couple of days when I had time, I made a little oval reenforcement that the sound post would sit on.
  • To glue that in I made a smaller plastic mold then while the oval piece was still wet I used a couple of drops of glue to hold it onto the plastic mold.
  • Put glue on the oval piece and dropped it into the cello.
  • Then moved it into place
  • I used an adjustable soundpost jack to hold it down.
  • The next day I popped the plastic clamping piece off the oval.
  • Then when t was all  finished, just a little clear touchup on the crack to seal it.

Pictures of the steps are shown below.

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