Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Bow Rehairing | Quick Solution for Missing Tongue | Callier-Scollard Violin Shop

Sometimes when rehairing a student bow, the tongue is almost completely missing. If that's the case, fitting a wedge will not hold. Usually it's not worth making a new ebony tongue or fitting a new frog. Here is a quick solution that allows you to rehair the bow. I can do this fairly quick, so I don't usually charge for this type of repair.

  1. Remove the ring, slide, block and hair.
  2. Use Vaseline to coat the inside of the ring.
  3. Tape or clamp the ring onto the frog.
  4. Mix up some filler like Quick Wood. If you want it a little stronger, mix up some epoxy and then mix that into the filler.
  5. Pack the filler into the ring and remove any excess from the "slide" side of the ring.
  6. Let it set up about 30 minutes, test to see how stiff it is. If it's setup a little, carefully remove the slide and with a sharp knife cut away a space for the hair and wedge.
  7. Let it cure for 1 day.
  8. Test how well it's adhered to the frog. If it's loose glue the cast piece to the frog and wait till the next day.
  9. Finish up with a knife and file.
  10. If there isn't much glue surface for the cast piece to attach to the frog, add a piect of fiber to give a greater glue surface.
  11. You could dye it black to hide the repair, but I usually leave it off color so that next time someone rehairs the bow they know there is a tongue problem.

Here are a couple of photos, after it's finished.

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More Frog Tongue repairs.

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