Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

The Scollard "Inner Sleve" Scroll Repair Method

The Scollard "Inner Sleve" Scroll Repair Method

Another scroll disaster. The break is clean off, no flat part of the neck is left. Since this was such a bad break and I thought it needed a little more additional help, I added 20 small wooden pins.

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Here is a bass scroll that was repaired before and it didn't last. They brought it in and I took a look at the scroll. It needed one of my new techniques to renforce the scroll box.


The before photos.

IMG 20211130 121604 070

IMG 20211130 121604 070

IMG 20211130 121604 070
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IMG 20211130 121615 515

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The different steps.

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Comments (1)
complimenti e domanda
# 1
Sunday, 09/29/2024
Francelli Gianfranco
salve, vorrei farle i complimenti per il suo lavoro e porle una domanda sulla riparazione del riccio sul contrabbasso. La domanda è: di che materiale è fatto il rinforzo che lei ha messo dentro la scatola delle chiavi? dalle foto non capisco se è alluminio o ferro. grazie , saluti dall ' Italia !
Compliments and a Question
Thursday, 11/07/2024
Craig Scollard
Translation: Hello, I’d like to compliment you on your work and ask you a question about repairing the scroll on the double bass. The question is: What material is the reinforcement you placed inside the pegbox made of? From the photos, I can’t tell if it’s aluminum or iron. Thank you, greetings from Italy!
Il materiale è fibra vulcanizzata. Prima la immergo nell'acqua finché non diventa flessibile, poi le do la forma desiderata. Il giorno successivo, quando è completamente asciutta, la incollò nella cassa del riccio.
Re: Compliments and a Question
Thursday, 11/07/2024
Craig Scollard
The material is Vulcanized Fiber. First I soak it in water until it's pliable, then I form it to the shape. Then next day when it's completely dry, I glue it into the scroll.

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