Here is one that had no perl on the underslide. I'll try to fake which only takes a few minutes. Here are the steps - Scrape any old glue off the slide
- Put the slide on a piece of Cellophane
- Cover the working surface of the underslide with a thick layer CA glue
- Scrape various colors of chalk on top of the CA glue.
- Mix up a little with the tip of a knife
- Fold the cellophane over and clamp the slide glue mixture in a vise.
- After it's dry remove from the vise, it should be pretty flat and straight.
- File the edges to match the underslide and file the top of the slide flat.
- If the underslide slides under the back heal, remove the excess.
- The easiest way to do this is have a straight edge on a thin strip of wood. Align it so you file off the excess.
- Do the same for the part of the underslide that goes under the ring.
Sometimes bow slides are missing a little chunk of mother of perl. If it's a nece bow you just need to fit a new slide. For other bows a temporary fix is filling the missing piece. Usually I do that when Im rehairing a bow. Here are the basic steps. - Remove the slide
- Lay the slide on a flat level surface
- Put a little bit of CA glue on the missing area of the slide.
- Using sidewalk chalk scrape the various colors onto the wet glue
- Mix it up a little using the tip of your knife.
- Wrap it in cellophane and clamp in a vice.
- After it's dry,, flatten out with a file
Here is a bow that came back for a rehair, I realized I fixed the slide a while back. Another one. Oops, made this one with too much speckels. One more. Oddley this slide seemed to fit better swaped around.
Oops this one didn't get mixed enough. |