Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... due to falls or stress at the pegbox. When this happens, repairing the scroll is often preferable to replacing the instrument. Our scroll repair section covers a wide variety of restoration techniques, ...
... of frog repair pages provides insights into a variety of techniques for restoring frog functionality—from minor cosmetic issues to complex structural fixes. Whether you're dealing with a broken tongue, ...
Bow Repairs The bow is an essential component of stringed instruments, and proper maintenance ensures both longevity and performance. Over time, bows can suffer from a wide variety of issues, from breaks ...
4. Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Supplies
( General » Information )
We offer a wide variety of String Instrument supplies, usually at a 40% discount off the list price. Here is a short list: I'll be adding strings to my shopping cart in the near future. Violin Strings ...
... of Fair Oaks and Green Street. Customers will find a wide variety of violins, violas, cellos and basses  in various states of repair, some dating back to the 18th century. The shop's luthier has been ...
6. Rio Hondo Symphony
( EventList » Free Concerts » Rio Hondo Symphony )
... Suite From Mozart's dramatic curtain raiser to Dvorak's infectious Bohemian dance music don't be fooled by the size of the orchestra in this program which has amazing variety, color and moods. Yes, good ...
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