Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... and cracks to worn wrappings and rehairing needs. At Callier-Scollard Violins, we specialize in professional bow repair services that cover every aspect of restoration, including structural reinforcement, ...
This violin had a small neck fracture that was beginning to separate. Without the strings, I could manually pull the scroll back, causing the crack to fully close. To ensure a strong repair, I used a unique ...
Repairing Violin Cracks with External Cleats When repairing a delicate violin crack, removing the top isn’t always necessary. I had a fairly nice violin with an open crack on the lower right of the top. ...
Repairing an Inexpensive Bow with Breaks Near the Frog This bow had multiple breaks near the frog, requiring a secure repair to restore its function. Below are the basic steps I followed: Clean the ...
Repairing a Smashed Bass Neck and Scroll This bass had extensive damage: multiple breaks in the scroll and vertical cracks running through the neck and fingerboard. Typically, necks don’t crack this ...
This cello had one of the most challenging cracks to repair—caused by pressure from the soundpost, which caused the back to bulge slightly. The crack also ran diagonally across the grain, adding to the ...
... don't slip and it fairly easy to get them percicly in the correct spot. While I had it apart I glued a few open cracks on the top and cleated those. Then it's just a matter of gluing the back on. The ...
... crack Because of these two cracks, the bass bar was caved in by about 1/2 of an inch, and the sound post side was bulging out about a 1/4 of an inch. I believe these two cracks had ben glued before ...
... of the scroll was super thin and it had two long existing cracks running down the back of the scroll.  ...
Repairing a cello's rib cracks. Here is another one where the crack was bulging in different parts of the rib. Using a mold help insure that the rib crack gets lined up correctly.     ...
11. Repairing Bass Bar and Sound Post Cracks
( General » Information )
...    I believe this cello was stepped on. Here are some pictures of the process of repairing the cracks.    ...
FF Hole Cracks are very common for violin family instruments. Most of the time they can be glued from the outside. If the instrument is taken apart a well fitted cleat can be added to help strengthen that ...
... was cracked in half and the bridge was broken.     Another sound post crack with lots of other cracks on the top. This instrument had lots of cracks a couple of ...
...  Repairing a Broken Cello Scroll This cello scroll had multiple cracks, including a small shard that had broken off. Due to the complexity of the damage, I repaired each section individually to ensure ...
... screws.       Repairing a Super Cheap Cello Even though this cello was inexpensive, I still wanted to repair it properly. ...
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