Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... a missing pearl slide, or a stuck screw, these pages guide you through the available options. Explore our frog repair topics below to learn how we restore bows at the Callier-Scollard Violin Shop in ...
... Restoring Glasser bow frogs to extend their lifespan and maintain proper function. Replacing a Frog Tongue Replacing missing frog tongues to ensure proper bow operation and ease of playing. Restoring ...
Tortoiseshell Frog Repair & Gold Wrap Replacement This gold and tortoiseshell frog had a missing section on the underslide near the grip. The area was particularly transparent, making the damage ...
4. Sheared Cello Neck
( General » Repairs )
... missing wood so the neck is the correct shape. Finish up with a little bit of touchup       ...
... string, I tightened the molds, sandwiching the broken wood securely in place. Below, you'll find a series of photos showing the step-by-step process. Unfortunately, the final image is missing, but the ...
... there was a small missing rib piece so I was able to fish in a cleat to help hold it together. Once the rib was fixed, I was able to get the ribs aligned with the top and the back and finish gluing all ...
... that goes under the ring.   Sometimes bow slides are missing a little chunk of mother of perl. If it's a nece bow you just need to fit a new slide. For other bows a temporary ...
Sometimes when rehairing a student bow, the tongue is almost completely missing. If that's the case, fitting a wedge will not hold. Usually it's not worth making a new ebony tongue or fitting a new frog. ...
...        A violin bow with a long break that was missing some wood near the silver wrapping. I wrapped it a little longer than normal because I wanted ...
10. Cello Varnish and Edges
( General » Information )
Here is a cello that had a missing edge and several large gouges in the top, plus there were a lot of scratches and chips in the varnish. Attached are some before and after photos.  ...
... then repeat the process to get the ring off. What to do if the ring is warped. More Info. Ugh, the tongue is missing, what to do? More Info Remove the slide If the slide is stuck, putting ...
12. Bow Frog Repair Methods
( General » Information )
... frog.           Here is a frog where the tongue was missing. About a year ago when I rehaired the bow ...
13. Bow Screw Button Repair
( General » Repairs )
Here is a bow screw's button that had three missing mother of perl pieces. The unusual thing about this button is that each piece was seperated with a small piece of ebony. A couple of those were also ...
... the existing corners.   The photo shows a corner where the inside edge and the purfling was missing. First I found a matching piece of spruce, then shaped it so that it matched the original outline. ...
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