Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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This cello had one of the most challenging cracks to repair—caused by pressure from the soundpost, which caused the back to bulge slightly. The crack also ran diagonally across the grain, adding to the ...
Here is a violin top where the wood was worn away, most likeley by the case's bow holder.   I wan't too happy with this one so I reworked the varnish. I'll look ...
... of mm that I wanted, so I decided to take the magnets off. Taking the magnet off the cleat caused the magnet under the cello to fall. You would think it would have fallen straight down and hit one of the ...
4. Bass Frog
( General » Repairs )
... caused this wear. There is even a little bit of wear on the ring, plus other parts of the bow.            ...
Repairing a cello's rib cracks. Here is another one where the crack was bulging in different parts of the rib. Using a mold help insure that the rib crack gets lined up correctly.     ...
When should I rehair my bow? Most of the hair is broken from playing The hair has been eaten by Carpet Beetle Larvae The hair is very old and britle Putting rosin on the hair and it still seems ...
This is a violin rib that was cracked most likely because of the chinrest.       Gluing up a cello rib crack.       ...
Here is a violin neck that pulled out of the block taking some rib pieces with it.        I need to look around for the after photos. ;-)   ...
... in the head. The customer said his daughter dropped the bow. The original repair held but the force caused the bow to break in a new spot.  ...
10. Saddle Cracks
( General » Information )
Saddle cracks are normally caused because the ebony saddle has been fit too tight. There should be a very small space on both sides of the saddle so that when the top contracts or the saddle expands slightly ...
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