Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... difficulty of the repair. Here’s the process I used: Remove the Strings: Loosen and remove the strings to relieve the pressure causing the back to bulge. Create an Outside Mold: Make a mold of the ...
... is an expermental repair, that should hold up for years and only took a few minutes of repair time. Here are the steps. Glue the Crack Trim a piece of fiber that's a little bigger than the frog and ...
... the mold. Glue the crack and protect the mold with celephone wrap. Put a clamping bar across the back so your clamp is aghenst the bar. This way there is no pressure on the back. Remove the clamp ...
... side of the scroll, using similar stabilization techniques. Create Inner Sleeve Supports: I made custom pieces for the inner sleeve method, which adds structural reinforcement inside the peg box. Glue ...
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