Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Summary of the Green Hotel and Its Connection to Callier Violins The Green Hotel, later known as Castle Green, is one of Pasadena’s most iconic historic landmarks. Built in stages starting in the late ...
When rehairing bows, sometimes you run across a frog where someone has drilled a hole so they can use a pin. Unfortunately they also drill a hole into the mortise so the hair will fit using the ...
Here is one that had no perl on the underslide. I'll try to fake which only takes a few minutes. Here are the steps Scrape any old glue off the slide Put the slide on a piece of Cellophane Cover ...
When rehairing a bow and the frog is not seated correctly on the stick, it neds to be adjusted. Use a pair of needle nose plyers, don't use the bow's screw because you can easily wreck the lining. Usually ...
Sometimes when rehairing a student bow, the tongue is almost completely missing. If that's the case, fitting a wedge will not hold. Usually it's not worth making a new ebony tongue or fitting a new frog. ...
When a slide is stuck or has been glued in, you can inject a little water and a small amount of heat to free up the slide.   Note mixing needles also work good for injecting a little ...
When a block is stuck or glued in, you need to carefully remove the block. Drill a small hole and then whittle away the block from the inside out.
Callier chinrest       Another old Callier chinrest.       An old Callier chinrest.   ...
Here is some information about the shop located at 100 1/2 E. Commerce St. in San Antonio. I still use the band saw that's in the backgound.        ...
10. Google Customer Reviews and Testimonials
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Here is the listing of unedited Google Reviews. Write a Google Review
Here are the general steps to rehair a bow. Violin bows are still $ 22 if you leave them for one week. I can do them sooner if needed but I charge a little extra. This one week service allows me to spread ...
When should I rehair my bow? Most of the hair is broken from playing The hair has been eaten by Carpet Beetle Larvae The hair is very old and britle Putting rosin on the hair and it still seems ...
... to eat in one place straight across the hair, but I have seen violin cases that haven't been opened in decades and there isn't any hair that's longer than one inch. If you look closely at the spot where ...
14. Hollywood Shop at Sunset and Wilcox
( General » History )
Here are some photos from my Hollywood Shop located at Sunset and Wilcox. 1438 N. Wilcox to be exact. I moved here about one month after I took over the Callier Sunset and Bronson Violin Shop. From about ...
These are some photos from a Frank J. Callier violin shop. This is possibly the shop that was located at 5831 Sunset Blvd, before the Hollywood Sunset and Bronson location.    ...
The historic Old Hollywood Shop. From about 1928 to 1985 at Sunset and Bronson.     Some closeups of people that are on the ...
Paul Callier had three locations in Pasadena. The first shop on was at 50 1/2 S. Fair Oaks around 1952 or before, sometime before 1971 Paul moved to 628 N. Los Robles, then eventually to 50 E. Green Street, ...
Here are some common spelling errors. Collier Violin Shop Collier-Scollard Violins Craig Callier Craig Collier Paul Collier Frank Collier El Aleman Violen Vilolin violine viloin ...
19. About Us
( General » Information )
For information about the Callier-Scollard Violin Shop, click on one of the links in the left menu.  ...
Violin Bridge Fitting Standard: $40 plus the cost of the Aubert #7 bridge. * Deluxe: $100 plus the cost of the Deluxe Aubert bridge. Student: $35 plus the cost of the Aubert #5 bridge *   ...
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