Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Cello Varnish Matching & Restoration This cello had an unusual patch of varnish where someone had attempted a previous touch-up. The existing repair was opaque and obscured the natural grain of the ...
... more noticeable. Several years ago, I cast a matching replacement piece, carefully swirling color into the casting to achieve a natural look. Once it was properly shaped and fitted, I glued it securely ...
3. Sorting Menu Items
( General » Help )
... area select the Menus main navigation link and select the correct menu. Once that menu is open you can easily find the module you want to edit use the "Matching Modules" drop down list, select the module ...
... the block is stuck, drill a small hole in the center and whittle it away. More Info Cut the block for the frog's mortise, matching the length of the block mortise minus the thickness of the ...
... and found one matching peg. On her existing peg, someone had actually glued not only the bushing but also the peg to the bushing. I eventually got it out. Used a new bushing and glued that in. Then replaced ...
Violin family instruments sometimes get their edges damaged. A new piece of wood can be added and then reshaped and the varnish can be matched. Here is an edge with several steps.  ...
7. Bow Screw Button Repair
( General » Repairs )
... missing. The easiest way to repair this was to find a matching mother of perl slide. Then cut off small pieces that were the same width as the facits of the button. Then just hand fit them.  ...
... were drilled and the pegs were fitted. Then there was a slight amount of varnish touch up to make the boxwood a matching color to the original varnish.   Here is a violin ...
... the neck needs to be planed a little to make sure the neck is perfectly flat. Then you fit a matching piece of maple to the neck and glue them together. The next day you plane the wedge so that the projection ...
... the existing corners.   The photo shows a corner where the inside edge and the purfling was missing. First I found a matching piece of spruce, then shaped it so that it matched the original outline. ...
Redoing a Failed Cello Neck Repair This cello had a previous failed repair where the neck projection dropped and the break had slightly reopened. I suspected there was some kind of weak support barely ...
12. Bass Rib Repair
( General » Information )
... bent so that it has a matching curve. The center of the patch is removed so that it can be clamped from the outside. (3) Once the patch is fitted then it's just a matter of fitting the piece into the ...
... off. I steamed the gash/dent out as much as possible. Then filled the remainer with a clear Next step was to match the base coat color Finish off with matching the varnish color Finally Polish ...
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