Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... rotation of the cleat on the wire so that when it's in the correct location the grain is perpendicular to the grain of the top. Put an adequate amount of glue onto the cleat. Slip it into the ff hole. ...
... was to cleat the back seam. Oddly originally there were a numerous amount of thin cleats that didn't hole the center seam together. I used a bunch of rectangular cleats (double the amount shown in the ...
When a slide is stuck or has been glued in, you can inject a little water and a small amount of heat to free up the slide.   Note mixing needles also work good for injecting a little ...
If the nut is loose and you need to reglue it. Clean off all of the old glue Make sure it fits. If not you need to fit the angles to match the fingerboard and the neck. Use a very small amount ...
5. Fingerboard Planing and Buzzing Solutions
( General » Information )
... to be a small amount of  swoop in the fingerboard. Too little and the strings will buzz, too much and the string is too hard to press down. There is a shot of a fingerboard that was buzzing on open ...
... a very small amount of glue on the bushing and slide it into the hole Reshape the end of the screw so that it has a blunt round surface, not a point and adjust the length of the screw so the bow nut ...
7. Center Seams
( General » Repairs )
... The next day finish gluing the upper and lower seams. The last step is using a small amount of clear on the seam to protect it from dirt and the weather.   ...
... out the amount of rehairs I do so that it's more manageable. Inspect the stick Cut out the hair leaving about 4 inches at each end Clean the metal of the frog and the button Clean the winding ...
9. Peg Fitting
( General » Information )
... adjust how much string you feed through the peg. By changing that amount you will be able to change the direction of the peg head when it's up to pitch. With a little practice it's fairly easy.   ...
... were drilled and the pegs were fitted. Then there was a slight amount of varnish touch up to make the boxwood a matching color to the original varnish.   Here is a violin ...
... lands at about 28 mm. If the angle is not correct you can adjust this by the amount of taper of the wedge. If you want to raise it without adding additional tension on the violin the wedge is flatter. ...
... the correct amount of hair for the bow. The stiffer the bow the more hair it needs, I usually like to start with about 15 extra hairs and then when the bow is finished I remove hairs one by one until I ...
If you would like to make a one time payment for an invoice or get caught up on any past due rental payment amounts please select the instrument enter the amount the name of the person using the... ...
If you would like to make a convenient monthly rental payments to Callier-Scollard Violin Shop please enter the duration select the instrument enter the monthly amount and the name of the person... ...
15. Send Love to Japan: Charity Concert Series: Concert No. 3
( EventList » Concerts » Send Love to Japan: Charity Concert Series: Concert No. 3 )
... donation box for those of you who would like to contribute an amount greater than the ticket price. For more info please contact: or JLS:310-327-4627 *If you are available ...
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