Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

Intercom Access Code, Press:
142 and then the CALL button:

Bow Rehairing Prices | Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass Bow Rehair | Callier-Scollard Violin Shop
bows ready for pickup

bows ready for pickup

bows ready for pickup

How much does it cost to rehair a violin bow? Just $ 22 if you leave it for one week. This allows me to schedule the bows that need rehairing evenly throughout the week and that saves you money. If needed I can rehair bows sooner than a week for an additional fee.


Bow rehairing is a skill that takes practice. I usually rehair about three or more bows per day. The first step is removing the old hair. Please do not cut your old hair out of the bow before you take it to the shop. In order to get the ferrule (ring) off of the frog you may need to pull the old hairs out of the frog one by one. If you need to cut the hairs for some reason, please leave about 4" on each end of the bow.


Once all of the blocks and wedge have been removed it's time to select the correct amount of hair for the bow. The stiffer the bow the more hair it needs, I usually like to start with about 15 extra hairs and then when the bow is finished I remove hairs one by one until I get the appropriate balance for that bow.


I rehair bows frog first because the strongest part of the hair should be at the frog end because that's where most of the force from playing will be. Once the correct knot length is tied the frog block is put in. Then the wedge is fitted. At this point the hair is combed and slightly wetted. The length of the damp hair is measured and the hair is tied off. The reason you measure the hair when it's slightly damp is because then you don't need to take into account the ambient humidity because your measurement is always based on damp hair.  The tip block is then replaced and the hair is slightly wetted, but you need to be careful not to get the hair wet near the wedge, otherwise it will wick under the wedge and the wedge will loosen up. Then the hair needs to dry for about an hour so the hair can stretch out and even up a little.


Click Here to see a more detailed list of the many steps required to rehair a bow.

Bow Rehair Prices

Need to Rehair

Need to Rehair

Need to Rehair


Violin Bow Rehairs

  • Violin Bow Rehairing is still $ 22 for one week service.


Viola Bow Rehairs

  • Viola Bow Rehairing is $ 22 for one week service


Cello Bow Rehairs

  • Cello Bow Rehairing is $ 25 for one week service


Bass Bow Rehairs

  • German Bass Bow Rehairing is $ 40 for black horsehair, one week service
  • French Bass Bow Rehairing is $ 40 for white horsehair, one week service


  • Express service is extra depending on how soon you need the bow back.
  • Same day bow reharing is available but by appointment only.
  • Salt and pepper hair is $3 extra because it is hand mixed from pure white and pure black hair.
Bulk Hair

Bulk Hair

Bulk Hair
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Horsehair is traditionally used for bow rehairing because it is strong, flexible, and has the right amount of grip to make the string vibrate and sing.

  • White horsehair is generally considered to be better for violin bows because it is softer and smoother than black horsehair. This makes it easier to draw across the strings, producing a more delicate and nuanced sound.
  • Black horsehair is often used for bass bows because it provides a good amount of grip on the strings, which is important for producing a clear, full sound.
  • I also have a small percent of violin players that use straight black hair, or mixed hair of a black strip on the playing edge.
  • Cello players sometimes like using mixed black and white hair.

Humidity can have a significant effect on horsehair, as it can cause the hair to become longer or shorter, so the general humidity of your area needs to be taken into consideration when doing a bow rehair.

Overall, rehairing a violin, viola, cello or bass bow is an important part of maintaing the bow and ensuring that it performs and sounds at it's best.



Comments (32)
bow rehairing
# 32
Friday, 07/26/2024
Evelyn Haaheim
I don't see anyone commenting on bow rehairs since August 2023 - do you still offer this service? If so, what do you currently charge?

Thank you,
Bow Rehairing
Sunday, 07/28/2024
Craig Scollard

Yes, I still rehair bows. The cost is $22 for a violin bow with a one-week turnaround. If you need it done faster, I can sometimes do that for an extra fee. Since August 2023, I've rehaired around 900 bows.

Thanks for asking,
Great place to get your bows rehaired!
# 31
Wednesday, 08/09/2023
Troy Grindle
These folks do great work at a great price with outstanding customer service. I have sent many bows for rehairing and the results are always excellent.

I do a lot of work in Classical ensembles and as a fiddle player in various bands. Whether it is chamber music, acoustic playing, acoustic-electric, even solid-body electric violin for Rock, I go through bow hair, and I always need to have a few bows on hand. I trust all my bows to the people at Callier-Scollard.

If you need your bow rehaired, I absolutely recommend that you mail it to Callier-Scollard and have them do the job. Fabulous work, fast turnaround, fair prices.
Violin bow rehair needed
# 30
Monday, 06/12/2023
Steve Taylor
Do I need a Return number to mail my Violin bow to you for a rehair service? Thank you
Bow Return
Monday, 06/19/2023
Craig Scollard
Steve, You don't need a return number. Just send me the bow in a sturdy box or tube that's well packed. Please include the rehair price and the return shipping cost.
Thanks, Craig
Bow rehair, Where do I send my bows
# 29
Wednesday, 05/24/2023
judy hughes
Please give me total cost. I sure appreciate you!
Bow Rehair Price
Monday, 05/29/2023
Craig Scollard
Judy, If it's a violin bow the current price is $22. Just include the rehair price plus the cost of the return shipping.
Thanks, Craig
Violin Bow Rehair
# 28
Friday, 12/23/2022
Jon Siegrist
Hi! Just confirming the process is still the same for a couple violin bows we need rehaired. Thanks!
Violin Bow Rehair
Saturday, 01/07/2023
Craig Scollard

If you previously shipped bows to me, then the process is the same. Unfortunately USPS Priority mail raised their prices a little and they are now charging a surcharge for boxes longer that 30 inches. My charge is still $22 plus the return shipping cost.

LA Local ReHair
# 27
Sunday, 11/06/2022

Looking to get my viola's bow rehaired. Do I need to call to give you advance notice or can I just dropoff my bow for a rehair service?

LA local violin bow rehair
Saturday, 01/07/2023
Craig Scollard

If you are in the Pasadena or local areas, just stop by during my normal hours. For violin bows I'm still charging $22 if you leave the bow for one week.

Rehair of violin bow
# 26
Thursday, 10/13/2022
J. Willis
I have a customer in Princeton, WV who hopes to re-hair his grandfather's bow with natural/real hair. Is this a service that you offer, if so is the price the same?
Also, please provide the shipping address so I can send this out to you. Thank you for your time.
Grandfather's Violin Bow Rehair
Saturday, 01/07/2023
Craig Scollard
J. Willis,

I only use natural white unbleached good quality horsehair. I'm still charging $22 for violin bows plus the return shipping cost.

violin bow rehair
# 25
Friday, 12/24/2021
lloyd moore
where can i send my bow to get rehaired.
Violin Bow Rehair Shipping
Friday, 12/24/2021
Craig Scollard

Most customers use USPS Priority Mail. I believe they still give away their triangle shaped boxes, just make sure it's well packed, so the bow does not shift around.

Include a check for $ 22 plus the same shipping amount that it cost to ship it to my shop.

The address is:
Callier-Scollard Violins
50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena CA, 91105

(626) 795-2870
Rehair Bow
# 24
Wednesday, 04/28/2021
krishna karanam

I have a violin bow which needs re-hair may I know what is the process?

Do I need to Ship it to you? If yes could you please provide more details.

Violin Bow Rehair and Shipping
Monday, 05/10/2021
Craig Scollard

Most customers use USPS Priority mail. Pack the bows in a sturdy tube or box using bubble wrap, the triangle shaped boxes that USPS has work good. Most likely the shipping cost will be around $10-$11, so the price would be $22 plus the shipping price.

Cello rehairing
# 23
Friday, 04/16/2021
Ean B.
I have 3 cello bows I would like to send to be rehaired, I live in Dayton, NV. Can I get black? I prefer the extra bite I get with it. Also, one has a tricky frog and every time it has been rehaired it quickly starts to pull out at the frog should I include a letter with the bows so you can take a closer look at this?
Black Hair
Saturday, 04/24/2021
Craig Scollard

Sure I can rehair all the bows with black hair, but most cello players don't use black hair. I believe that a mixture of white and black hair works much better. If you try mixed hair on one of the bows I think you will find that works very good.

As far as the cell bow where the hair always pulls out at the frog, it could be a couple of things.

Perhaps the mortise is the wrong shape.
The blocks are not fitted properly.
The knot is not tied tight enough.

Cello rehairing
Sunday, 07/11/2021
Ean Barnett
Just sent you 4 bows this week for rehairing. I put a note and checks in the tube I sent them in. Look forward to having some good bows again.


Silver Chestnut hair
# 22
Monday, 03/08/2021
Geoff Fleming
Hi, I’m partial to silver chestnut hair which has a reddish look. I have several good to find quality bass bows. I feel the reddish hair has better grab than white but doesn’t sound as harsh as black. Do you have any?
Reddish Hair
Saturday, 04/24/2021
Craig Scollard

In the past I used redish hair, but I found it to be a little too thin and it didn't seem to grab like white hair does.

If you happen to have some redish hair that you want to use, just send it with your bow and I'll use that hair.

Return shipping
# 21
Saturday, 08/22/2020
If I include a prepaid FedEx or UPS shipping label in the package I send to you is that acceptable for the return shipping?
Return Shiping
Saturday, 08/29/2020
Craig Scollard
It's more economical to use USPS Priority mail. Just include a check for the rehair and the shipping cost.
Bass bow rehair
# 20
Friday, 07/24/2020
Almost out of hair it’s a German now with white hair
Bass Bow Rehair
Monday, 07/27/2020
Craig Scollard
The majority of bass players use white hair or black hair.

Ocassionaly I'll rehair bows using mixed hair. I have found that hand mixing good quality black and white hair plays better than using the premixed hair that I can purchase.
# 19
Saturday, 05/23/2020
I was wondering do you rehair violin bows with coruss hair. If so does it cost extra and how much? Also are you still working at this time with COVID. I live in New York and most shops are closed but I am willing to send my bows through the mail. Thank you.
Synthetic Hair
Friday, 05/29/2020
Craig Scollard

I have occasionally used synthetic hair, but usually the customer supplies the hair. I you want your bows rehaired with Coruss hair I could do that but you would need to send the synthetic hair with the bows.

The price for violin bow rehairing is $22 for one week service. For mail order bows it usually takes about two weeks because I need to go to the post office after they are rehaired.

The estimate for Priority mail is about $11 or $12 from New York. When you send the bows, just include a check for $22 for each bow plus the return shipping (what it cost you to ship the bows).


German Bass Bow rehair and frog replacement
# 18
Tuesday, 11/12/2019
Jim T.
I have a German bow that needs a new frog and rehair. How much would that run? Also have a french bass bow and 2 cello bows to rehair at the same time but those 3 shouldn't require any repairs.
Rehairs and Frogs
Wednesday, 11/13/2019
Craig Scollard

Bass bows are $40 to rehair and cello bows are $25, plus the price of the return shipping.

What quality is the bass bow that needs a frog? The area of the stick where the frog sits on a bass bow can sometimes vary quite a bit. If it's fairly standard then getting a new frog would be an option, but if it's somewhat unique then finding a new frog would be difficult.

Usually new frogs don't fit exactly on the stick and they need to be adjusted a little. Without knowing what the problem might be the fitting cost could fall in the range of $10-$20.

Perfect repair work!
# 17
Wednesday, 09/11/2019
Lisa Haley
Craig rehaired all my bows, with very high-quality hair!!
He also repaired a broken frog that I had overlooked.
What a great guy!!
Just for your information:
# 16
Friday, 03/29/2019
Hattie B.
Late afternoon (after cut-off) Fri 29Mar2019, from Las Vegas NV, I've Priority Mail'ed a shipping tube with 3 violin bows, for rehairing.

2 checks are inclosed with the bows:
$66.00 for rehairing 3 bows;
$8.30 for return postage.

Thank you
New Thumb Grip
Wednesday, 04/10/2019
Craig Scollard
One of the three bows needed a new thumb grip, so I went ahead and changed it. Normally I charge $6 for a new grip, if you like the grip you can send a check for $6. Also, previously I had rehaired one of those three bows.

Received the bows
Friday, 04/12/2019
Hattie B.
Thanks very much, rec'd pkg w 3 bows, Fri 12Apr2019 mail delivery, about 4 pm.
So pleased.

Pray tell, HOW could you tell you'd previiuslty rehaired one of those bows I sent you?
('tho, chances were good, because I'd used to come to your shop for 'stuff' and rehairing. lol.)

Check for $6 for 1 new bow grip, put in mail, Fri 12Apr2019
...a pleasure doing business with you.

Take care
Previous Rehair
Thursday, 04/11/2019
Craig Scollard

Glad they arrived safely. I could tell that I had rehaired that bow previously because of the thread and it's color, the way I tie the knots, the blocks and the wedge wood.

Carbon Fiber Bow Rehair
# 15
Tuesday, 01/23/2018
Henry G.
It arrived last night. Very pleased with the results! Thank you!
Bow rehairing
# 14
Friday, 09/29/2017
Ward Durrett
We have 18 bows (8 violin/8 viola and 2 cello) we'd like you all to rehair...Do we need any authorizion #'s or should we just send them on? Many Thanks...wd
Special rehair job
# 13
Sunday, 09/04/2016
Chris S.
I would like a price on a special rehair job on a very beloved violin bow. I would like 50 percent white and 50 percent black hair. Also I like a balanced bow with half of each colour reversed in orientation so that the hair scales face both directions. I realize that this requires extra combing.


Reverse Hair Orientation
Sunday, 09/04/2016
Craig Scollard

It's too time consuming to not only mix the black and white hair but also switch the orientation of half the hairs. If you want to stop by my shop I'll give you half black and helf white hair then you can switch the direction of the hairs around. Just make sure that they are even at the strong end of the hair.

There would not be any extra charge as long as you switched the hair.


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