Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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1. Fingerboard Shortening
( General » Repairs )
They wanted the fingerboard short like a baroque style. Have the customer mark exactly how long they want the fingerboard. Then tape a flexiable piece of plastic onto the fingerboard. Using the ...
...    This is a bass bow where the break near the head is at a very obtuse angle. My first thought was to discard this bow because it's not worth grafting the crack together and it was too short ...
This was a cello neck that was about 8mm too long. A solution without creating a neck graft is to make a new ebony nut that shortens the string length.  ...
... the hair is drying. Do not allow water to wick into the wedge After about an hour adjust the tension again on the stick because as hair dries it gets a little shorter After the hair is dry, apply powdered ...
... scroll that's broken just where the neck starts, it's a very short break so I needed to put in two stainless steel pins under the nut.   Here is a violin that ...
6. Saddle Cracks
( General » Information )
... there is a little extra room. Normally if you remove the saddle and unglue the top from the block and the lower ribs the crack will come back together and it can be reglued. Then simply shorten the saddle ...
7. Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Supplies
( General » Information )
We offer a wide variety of String Instrument supplies, usually at a 40% discount off the list price. Here is a short list: I'll be adding strings to my shopping cart in the near future. Violin Strings ...
... or shorter, so the general humidity of your area needs to be taken into consideration when doing a bow rehair. Overall, rehairing a violin, viola, cello or bass bow is an important part of maintaing ...
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