Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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... scrolls using internal reinforcement techniques. Cello Fractured Scroll Fixing a Cello Scroll Fracture – Fixing fractured cello scrolls with clamping and reinforcement. Cello Scroll Repair Repairing ...
... Pasadena. Each listing shares tips, techniques, and examples based on decades of repair experience. Broken Frog Edge Fixing a Broken Frog Edge – Techniques for repairing broken edges on a bow frog, ...
...  Fixing Bow Breaks Step-by-step guide on repairing broken bows, covering glue techniques, wrapping, and reinforcement methods. Repairing Frog-Area Breaks Detailed methods for repairing breaks close ...
This violin had a small neck fracture that was beginning to separate. Without the strings, I could manually pull the scroll back, causing the crack to fully close. To ensure a strong repair, I used a unique ...
Here are some major neck breaks that require detailed repair work. Student Cello Neck Repair This cello had a severely broken neck. While a neck graft would be the best solution, it wasn’t practical ...
6. Bow Frogs
( General » Repairs )
Here are some various frog repairs.   This frog was split in half, I'm not quite sure what happened but I thought it was worth fixing. Here are some repair photos. I dedn't even rehair the bow. ...
Tortoiseshell Frog Repair & Gold Wrap Replacement This gold and tortoiseshell frog had a missing section on the underslide near the grip. The area was particularly transparent, making the damage ...
Repairing Violin Cracks with External Cleats When repairing a delicate violin crack, removing the top isn’t always necessary. I had a fairly nice violin with an open crack on the lower right of the top. ...
Repairing a Smashed Bass Neck and Scroll This bass had extensive damage: multiple breaks in the scroll and vertical cracks running through the neck and fingerboard. Typically, necks don’t crack this ...
Fixing a Bulging Bow Ring Ferrule Fixing a bow ring ferrule that’s bulging can be a necessary step when rehairing a bow. If left unchecked, the ferrule might not seat properly, affecting the bow’s performance. ...
11. Frog Tongue
( General » Repairs )
Fixing broken frog tongues. This is a nice TS gold mounted frog. The tongue was snapped off. Hill made a lot of frogs like this but they usually had a inlaid gold reinforcment piece to help secusr the ...
Here is a Zeta violin that stopped working. I started taking it apart and noticed that there were a couple of wires that had become unsoldered. The plug into the volume pot was unpluged and the batteries ...
This cello had a sound post crack, I thought I would glue if from the outside. Place a sheet of thick paper over the crack and plot the line. Form the mold on the top of the thick paper Place a ...
... came up with a new solution. Make a staple to hold the break. I get lots of bows that are not really worth fixing and usually the customer just leaves them with me. Normally if the broken bow has a full ...
Caspari pegs work by having a bushing glued into the peg box on the "head" side of the peg. The bushing is made of what I believe is transformer coil material. The Caspari peg then squeezes against ...
Here is a student cello where the end pin block was collapsed because the block was broken in 3 or 4 places. Normally I would take the top off and repair or replace the block, but since this cello wasn't ...
...    Fixing cracked ribs when it's not worth taking to top off. This cello had multiple cracks with the grain and across the grain. One side of the crack was jammed under the other side and ...
This bow had the back of the tip break and the back of the bow mortice blow out. Here are the repair steps and some photos. Carefully glue the broken piece back Remove the damaged tip Fit a piece ...
Here are some unusual pegs. Here is a set of cello machine head pegs. I haven't seen any with this "T" shaped machine head.   Some violin pegs. They have a knurled knob ...
20. Viola Crack Repaired From The Outside
( General » Information )
Here is a viola that had multiple cracks in the same area. These type of cracks are fairly easy if you take the top of the instrument off, but fixing it just from the outside is somewhat of a challenge, ...
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