Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Cello Varnish Matching & Restoration This cello had an unusual patch of varnish where someone had attempted a previous touch-up. The existing repair was opaque and obscured the natural grain of the ...
2. Loose bow wrapping
( General » Repairs )
When rehairing bows, sometimes the wrapping and the grip is loose. For those I do a quick fix and repair the existing wrapping. With this example the end of the wrapping was secure. Slide the grip ...
... of the scroll was super thin and it had two long existing cracks running down the back of the scroll.  ...
... and found one matching peg. On her existing peg, someone had actually glued not only the bushing but also the peg to the bushing. I eventually got it out. Used a new bushing and glued that in. Then replaced ...
...  Clamp and Dry: Clamp the scroll tightly to maintain alignment while the glue dries, ensuring the pins bond securely within the wood. Varnish Touch-Up: Apply a light varnish touch-up to match the existing ...
... the existing corners.   The photo shows a corner where the inside edge and the purfling was missing. First I found a matching piece of spruce, then shaped it so that it matched the original outline. ...
... was to carefully take apart the previous repair to start fresh. Fill the Old Holes: I plugged the two existing holes with properly fitted wooden dowels to reinforce the structure. Plug the Fingerboard ...
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