Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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The frog is a crucial component of the bow, responsible for securing and adjusting the bow hair. Over time, wear and damage to the frog can significantly affect playability and performance. Our collection ...
Bow Repairs The bow is an essential component of stringed instruments, and proper maintenance ensures both longevity and performance. Over time, bows can suffer from a wide variety of issues, from breaks ...
When rehairing bows, sometimes you run across a frog where someone has drilled a hole so they can use a pin. Unfortunately they also drill a hole into the mortise so the hair will fit using the ...
... that goes under the ring.   Sometimes bow slides are missing a little chunk of mother of perl. If it's a nece bow you just need to fit a new slide. For other bows a temporary ...
When rehairing a bow and the frog is not seated correctly on the stick, it neds to be adjusted. Use a pair of needle nose plyers, don't use the bow's screw because you can easily wreck the lining. Usually ...
Sometimes when rehairing a student bow, the tongue is almost completely missing. If that's the case, fitting a wedge will not hold. Usually it's not worth making a new ebony tongue or fitting a new frog. ...
... a vice whick made it perfectly flat. Then rehaired the bow. .  ...
When a block is stuck or glued in, you need to carefully remove the block. Drill a small hole and then whittle away the block from the inside out.
These are bows that I have repaired over the years. Interestingly in February 2017 there were six bows with broken off heads that I had worked on or was in the process of working on. Another head break ...
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